UK orders all England's poultry kept in to fight bird flu

British authorities said Monday that all poultry and other captive birds in England must be kept indoors from next week after bird flu was detected in dozens of farms across the country, as well as in wild birds.

Why hay fever may get worse in a warming climate

Spring—for many, a time of lifting spirits after those long winter months of short days and cold nights. But for about a third of our population who suffer from hay fever, asthma, or both, spring and early summer can be ...

Europe heading for warmer-than-average winter: forecaster

Europe faces a higher-than-usual chance of a cold blast of weather before the end of the year, but the winter overall is likely to be warmer than average, the continent's long-range weather forecaster said Thursday.

Daylight hours impact opioid receptor levels in brown fat

Researchers from the Turku PET Centre, Finland, have observed that the length of daylight hours impacts opioid receptor levels in brown fat. When daylight hours shorten, the receptor activity levels elevate. A similar phenomenon ...

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