Has the stilling of surface wind speed ended in China?

The most significant feature of global land surface wind speed (SWS) recently has been the long-term weakening trend since the 1960s, that is, the phenomenon known as global terrestrial stilling. Many studies have found that ...

Geodetic reference system enables highly accurate positioning

How many millimeters has the sea level risen? How fast are the continents moving? How big is the impact of high and low pressure areas on the altitude of landmasses? In order to answer these questions, measurements are being ...

GPS also helps to analyze global water resources

WaterGAP (Water Global Assessment and Prognosis) is a hydrological model used to model water shortage, groundwater depletion, and floods and droughts (e.g. as impacted by climate change) over the land area of the globe. The ...

Emus get GPS treatment

Murdoch University researchers will be placing GPS tracking devices on six emus to track their movements and habits in jarrah forest at Avon National Park.

Researcher sees marine nutraceuticals as growth industry

The marine nutraceutical industry is booming in Europe and Asia, and it has taken off in recent years in Canada as well. While the industry is still in its infancy in the United States, University of Rhode Island researcher ...

Height of large waves changes according to month

A team of researchers from the University of Cantabria, Spain, has developed a statistical model that makes it possible to study the variability of extreme waves throughout the year, according to the journal Coastal Engineering. ...

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