Study shows climate change disrupts seasonal flow of rivers

Climate change is disrupting the seasonal flow of rivers in the far northern latitudes of America, Russia and Europe and is posing a threat to water security and ecosystems, according to research published in Science.

Irrigation strengthens climate resilience in Mali

The installation of small-scale irrigation systems in communities in Mali led to lasting increases in agricultural productivity, decreases in local child malnutrition, and decreases in local conflict, providing resilience ...

Warming world dampening winter sports in Canada

Christmas was without snow, then temperatures seesawed throughout January in much of Canada, as the increasing effects of climate change drastically dampen the country's winter sports season.

Everlasting African wildfires fueled by aerosol feedback

Africa is on fire. It has been for thousands of years. The continent contains more than 50% of the total area on Earth that is burning, on average, and there is no sign of it stopping; indeed, the migrating, hemisphere-hopping ...

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