Google's Ray Kurzweil revs up search focus with AI vision

(—The setting: An intimate gathering at Singularity University's NASA campus in Silicon Valley. This is the place founded by Dr. Peter Diamandis and Dr. Ray Kurzweil, pursuing the idea of a new university that ...

Ecosia search engine fights climate change

An Ecosia search engine launching Monday is counting on the world's fascination with the Internet to help save Brazilian rainforests and battle global warming.

Organic vs. paid advertising? Inside the mind of an online browser

The keyword term a consumer uses in their search engine query can predict the likelihood that they will click on an organic or paid advertisement. That's according to new research by Columbia Business School that takes a ...

Google queries and stock market volumes related

Financial markets and the 'swarm intelligence' of the internet are linked. This is the result of a joint study in which search engine query data are analyzed by Tobias Preis and Daniel Reith of Johannes Gutenberg University ...

Google News mistakes Jackson queries for attack

A deluge of search queries for Michael Jackson led Google News, the news aggregator of Web search engine Google, to initially believe it was under attack, the Internet giant said on Friday.

Brin sees Google glasses hitting market this year

Sergey Brin envisions Google's Internet glasses hitting the market this year with an eye toward freeing people from unsocial habits engendered by "emasculating" smartphones.

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