ET machines sought by astronomer

If we ever do receive a message from outer space, we’ll want to know what kind of aliens sent it. SETI researcher Seth Shostak says we shouldn’t expect them to be anything like us - in fact, they might not be biological ...

The Eerie Silence

Why have we not made contact with aliens after so many years searching the depths of space? The Eerie Silence, a new book by SETI researcher Paul Davies, provides a fresh and thoughtful look at this question.

Across the Zooniverse: Keeping an eye on citizen astronomy

Amateur astronomers in Russia made a discovery last week any professional would envy – it seems they may have identified the remnants of the ill-fated Soviet Mars 3 lander, 30 years after it lost contact with Earth.

SETI on the SKA

Can the Square Kilometer Array - a network of thousands of radio antennas to be based in South Africa and Australia -- be used to hunt for extraterrestrial signals?

Analysis of the First Kepler SETI Observations

As the Kepler space telescope begins finding its first Earth-sized exoplanets, with the ultimate goal of finding ones that are actually Earth-like, it would seem natural that the SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence) ...

SETI survey focuses on Kepler's top Earth-like planets

( -- UC Berkeley is searching for evidence of intelligent life on planets identified by the Kepler space telescope team as having Earth-like environments. This search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI) uses ...

Jodie Foster helps keep search for aliens alive

"Contact" star Jodie Foster was among donors helping to revive the 42 radio telescope dishes at a key California institute searching for extraterrestrial life, the group said Tuesday.

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