Grandma is one happy Hippocampus

(—Our understanding of the population dynamics, longevity and reproductive habits of the seahorse species Hippocampus whitei (White's Seahorse) has been significantly expanded thanks to newly published research ...

New 'Seahorse' sees scallops in new way

(AP)—A new underwater explorer has hit the seas armed with cameras, strobes and sonar and charged with being a protector of sorts to the valuable Atlantic scallop catch.

Peru seizes 16,000 dried seahorses headed to Asia

More than 16,000 dried seahorses destined for illegal export to Asia, where the animal is sought for its supposed healing properties, were seized Thursday in Peru's capital Lima, authorities said.

Hong Kong's shark fin traders feel pressure to change

The owner of Shark's Fin City, a dried fin wholesaler in Hong Kong's quarter for all things shrivelled, says there are only a few people who know the truth about sharks, and he's one of them.

Rare seahorses found in Thames

Evidence of a colony of rare seahorses has been discovered in the Thames, during a routine fisheries survey at Greenwich, the Environment Agency said on Friday.

Close up look at a microbial vaccination program

A complex of proteins in the bacterium E.coli that plays a critical role in defending the microbe from viruses and other invaders has been discovered to have the shape of a seahorse by researchers with the U.S Department ...

Biologist's work sheds light on the shape of seahorses

( -- People are naturally fascinated by seahorses. Characters from King Neptune to Aquaman to the Little Mermaid have been depicted as using these enigmatic creatures as a means of transportation.

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