Land-building marsh plants are champions of CO2 capture

It is well known that CO2 emissions from burning fossil fuels underlie the havoc being wrought by climate change. Stemming further emissions through innovations in sustainable energy production is certainly part of the solution. ...

Floods, new mystery disease impact starving marine turtles

University of the Sunshine Coast researchers and wildlife rescuers have joined forces as they deal with a large increase in stranded, sick, and deceased marine turtles from recent floods and the discovery of a mystery disorder ...

Study finds extreme heat is the 'new normal' for the ocean

New Monterey Bay Aquarium-led research reveals excessively warm ocean temperatures driven by climate change are the new normal. The study, published today by PLOS Climate, establishes that more than half of the ocean surface ...

Seagrass is not a miracle solution against climate change

Through the resettlement of seagrass meadows on the coasts, large amounts of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere are to be removed in the future to combat climate change. Be aware, however: Seagrass meadows can, under certain ...

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