Albany seagrass points to historical pollution

Seagrass meadows in Albany's Oyster Harbour are being used as history books to reveal fluctuating contaminant levels in harbour water throughout the last 3000 years, with a rapid increase in contamination since the 1900s.

Seagrass restoration paying off for eastern shore

Seagrasses are crucial to the health of shallow coastal marine environments, in Virginia and worldwide. Seagrass meadows provide habitat and serve as nursery and feeding grounds to a diverse range of sea creatures – crustaceans, ...

Protection of our marine life requires more resilience

Management of the world's marine habitats needs to look beyond only Marine Protected Areas and put achieving ecosystem resilience at the top of the agenda, according to research by an international group of scientists led ...

Grunter's life choices chronicled in fisheries study

Research into populations of the western striped grunter (Pelates octolineatus) on the lower west coast shows the species has a highly seasonal growth pattern and migrate between coastal and estuarine environments depending ...

Bugs and slugs ideal houseguests for seagrass health

Marine "bugs and slugs" make ideal houseguests for valuable seagrass ecosystems. They gobble up algae that could smother the seagrass, keeping the habitat clean and healthy. That's according to results from an unprecedented ...

Solving the seagrass mystery

The waters of the Bardi Jawi Indigenous Protection Area (IPA), 160km north of Broome, are paradise for seagrass: warm water, lots of light and a pristine, protected environment means these seagrasses grow fast, so why are ...

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