Defining Hurricane Michael's impact on St. Joe Bay, Florida

Hurricane Michael tore a path through Panama City, Mexico Beach, and Port St. Joe, Florida in October 2018. The storm devastated the area and created a new pass along the St. Joseph Peninsula, just north of the entrance to ...

Heatwave devastates wildlife populations in World Heritage Site

Large numbers of dugongs, sea snakes and other marine animals disappeared from the UNESCO World Heritage Site Shark Bay, Western Australia, after a heat wave devastated seagrass meadows, according to recently released research.

Sowing seeds for snapper habitat

In an Australian first, recreational fishers will have a crack at restoring the lost seagrass meadows of Cockburn Sound.

Seagrass saves beaches and money

Seagrass beds are so effective in protecting tropical beaches from erosion, that they can reduce the need for regular, expensive beach nourishments that are used now. In a recent article in the journal BioScience, biologists ...

New parasite decimates giant clam species in Mediterranean

With rapid efficiency, a mysterious parasite is seeking out and killing a giant species of clam found only in the Mediterranean Sea. Unless scientists can find a way of stopping it soon, they say the mollusk could go extinct.

Researcher discovers vegetarian sharks

She's never seen "Jaws" or heard "Mack the Knife," but don't underestimate Samantha Leigh's shark credentials. She knows how to hypnotize the creatures, analyze their blood and even take them on a two-hour car trip.

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