Sea sponges need oxygen, as fish and people do

The inconspicuous sea sponges are Earth's oldest multicellular animals and have filtered the oceans for nearly 900 million years, long before the first plants appeared on land. New research appearing in the journal Fishery ...

New species of coral, sponges found near Hawaii

(AP) -- New and dramatic species of coral and sponges have been found in the Pacific during deep sea dives near the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands, scientists said Monday.

EU-project on deep-sea organisms

The collaborative project PharmaSea will bring European researchers to some of the deepest, coldest and hottest places on the planet. Scientists from the UK, Belgium, Norway, Spain, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and ...

Eight new deep-sea species of marine sponges discovered

Although marine sponges are widespread in the oceans, their biodiversity and distribution is still poorly known. Even though the Mediterranean Sea is the most explored sea on Earth, a study by Julio A. Díaz and colleagues, ...

An underwater drugstore?

No matter how sophisticated modern medicine becomes, common ailments like fungal infections can outrun the best of the world's antibiotics. In people with compromised immune systems (like premature babies, AIDS victims or ...

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