Sea ice triggered the Little Ice Age, finds a new study

A new study finds a trigger for the Little Ice Age that cooled Europe from the 1300s through mid-1800s, and supports surprising model results suggesting that under the right conditions sudden climate changes can occur spontaneously, ...

New clues of the Zanclean megaflood found in the Alboran Sea

New research has identified a body of sediments that may have been deposited by a giant flood ending the Messinian Salinity Crisis. These sediments were transported by a massive flow of water and were deposited along the ...

Europe's oldest lake traces 1.36 million years of climate

By analysing sediment cores from the bed of Europe's oldest lake, an international team of scientists has created a detailed climate history of the north-central Mediterranean stretching back 1.36 million years—and revealed ...

Ocean circulation in North Atlantic at its weakest

A study led by Drs. Christelle Not and Benoit Thibodeau from the Department of Earth Sciences and the Swire Institute of Marine Science, The University of Hong Kong, highlights a dramatic weakening of ocean circulation during ...

Urbanization is cutting off life support to NYC's wetlands

Historically, salt marshes have not only served as ecological nurseries for fish, birds, and other wildlife—they've been stalwart defenses against coastal storms. But recently, coastal development coupled with accelerated ...

Predicting the shape of river deltas

The Mississippi River delta is a rich ecosystem of barrier islands, estuaries, and wetlands that's home to a diverse mix of wildlife—as well as more than 2 million people. Over the past few decades, the shape of the delta ...

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