High seas may be responsible for Taiwan settlement

(PhysOrg.com) -- University of Hawaii archaeologists, led by Barry Rolett, have published a journal in Quaternary Science Reviews focusing on the early settlements of Taiwan. It is their belief that rising sea waters in ...

New clues of the Zanclean megaflood found in the Alboran Sea

New research has identified a body of sediments that may have been deposited by a giant flood ending the Messinian Salinity Crisis. These sediments were transported by a massive flow of water and were deposited along the ...

Exploring hidden life’s abundance

(PhysOrg.com) -- Two miles below the surface of the Sargasso Sea lies a depression in the Earth’s crust filled with sediment and, scientists believe, teeming with life — exotic, microscopic, and very likely never before ...

Understanding the impact of deep-sea mining

Resting atop Thomas Peacock's desk is an ordinary-looking brown rock. Roughly the size of a potato, it has been at the center of decades of debate. Known as a polymetallic nodule, it spent 10 million years sitting on the ...

Investigating drivers of Antarctic ice retreat

An investigation of how an Antarctic ice sheet melted thousands of years ago will improve contemporary climate models and projections of rising sea level, according to a recently published study with contributions from The ...

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