Study shows best places to protect marine mammals

(AP) -- From sea otters to blue whales, marine mammals are under stress from climate change, ocean acidification, hunting and other threats. Researchers have identified 20 important sites around the world where they say ...

US: Sea otters are recovered following 1989 spill

(AP)—A U.S. federal study of Prince William Sound sea otters affected by crude oil spilled from the Exxon Valdez has concluded that the marine mammals have returned to pre-spill numbers a quarter century after the disaster.

California sea otter numbers drop again

( -- After a decade of steady recovery, the southern sea otter--a federally listed threatened species--is in decline for the second year in a row, according to the latest population survey by U.S. Geological Survey ...

Tons of dead sardines scooped from Calif. harbor

(AP) -- Cleaning crews on Sunday finished removing millions of fish found floating dead in a Southern California marina, five days after the slimy, stinking mass of sardines was discovered.

Sea otters rebound but struggle to regain historic range

While threatened southern sea otters bob and sun in the gentle waves of this central California estuary, wildlife experts up and down the West Coast are struggling to figure out how to restore the crucial coastal predator ...

New study examines role of sea urchins on California kelp

California sheephead and spiny lobsters may be helping control sea urchin populations in Southern California kelp forests, where sea otters—a top urchin predator—have long been missing, according to a new San Diego State ...

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