Coastal erosion is unstoppable. So how do we live with it?

A record storm surge in 1953 devastated much of eastern England's coast, prompting prolific investment in concrete sea walls, wooden groins and other engineered structures designed to protect the coastline from erosion. These ...

Sea-level rise 'may cross two meters by 2100'

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) recommends raising the imaginary waterline demarcation for projects in the Asia Pacific region to two meters, instead of the existing one meter, to improve the resilience of structures against ...

DNA reveals the past and future of coral reefs

New DNA techniques are being used to understand how coral reacted to the end of the last ice age in order to better predict how they will cope with current changes to the climate.

Historic UK castle at risk from climate change: heritage body

The cliff-top ruins of an ancient castle long claimed as the birthplace of the legendary King Arthur is "at risk of being lost for ever" as climate change quickens the pace of coastal erosion, a UK heritage body warned on ...

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