Video: Operation IceBridge completes 11 years of polar surveys

For eleven years from 2009 to 2019, the planes of NASA's Operation IceBridge flew above the Arctic, Antarctic and Alaska, gathering data on the height, depth, thickness, flow and change of sea ice, glaciers and ice sheets.

What happens at the poles does not stay at the poles

Over the past 30 years, the Arctic has warmed more than any other region on the Earth. In fact, Arctic air temperatures have been increasing twice as much as the global average.

NASA study improves forecasts of summer Arctic sea ice

The Arctic has been losing sea ice over the past several decades as Earth warms. However, each year, as the sea ice starts to melt in the spring following its maximum wintertime extent, scientists still struggle to estimate ...

Arctic carbon conveyor belt discovered

Every year, the cross-shelf transport of carbon-rich particles from the Barents and Kara Seas could bind up to 3.6 million metric tons of CO2 in the Arctic deep sea for millennia. In this region alone, a previously unknown ...

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