Big nations block curbs on tuna overfishing

Efforts to curb overfishing of tuna in the Pacific were blocked by big countries that refused to cut their catch at a meeting of tuna-fishing nations in the Asia-Pacific, delegates said Thursday.

What did scientists learn from Deepwater Horizon?

Ten years ago, a powerful explosion destroyed an oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, killing 11 workers and injuring 17 others. Over a span of 87 days, the Deepwater Horizon well released an estimated 168 million gallons of oil ...

Mangrove forests trap floating litter

Mangrove forests on the coasts of Saudi Arabia act as litter traps, accumulating plastic debris from the marine environment, according to new research from KAUST. The study offers an explanation for the fate of missing marine ...

Mapping the 'landscape of fear' of sea turtles in the Bahamas

Many sea turtles live their adult lives in predator-free environments due to overfishing of their main predator, the tiger shark. Because of this, it is largely unknown how sharks impact turtle grazing behavior. Wageningen ...

Expedition studies acid impacts on Arctic

The effects of ocean acidification on Arctic seas will be studied by a team of 30 researchers, including Dr Toby Tyrrell from the University of Southampton, who set sail from the UK today (1 June), venturing as far north ...

China coastal waters increasingly polluted

China's coastal waters are suffering "acute" pollution, with the size of the worst affected areas soaring by more than 50 percent last year, an official body said.

Sea urchin's spiny, elastic strength revealed

(—For the first time, a team of Australian engineers has modelled the microscopic mechanics of a sea urchin's spine, gaining insight into how these unusual creatures withstand impacts in their aquatic environment.

Human activities trigger change in marine ecosystems

Marine ecosystems are constantly subject to anthropogenic and environmental factors that cause them to change. From fishing and pollution, to climate change and invasions of non-native species, these factors have existed ...

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