Unusual orange lobster saved from the pot

What's unusual about this orange lobster? Its alive! Lobsters are usually a brownish-green colour when living and turn orange when they have been cooked. But a rare live reddish-orange coloured specimen has been spotted in ...

Mediterranean most threatened sea on Earth

The Mediterranean Sea's exquisitely rich mix of flora and fauna is more threatened than marine life anywhere else on Earth, according to a landmark scientific survey released Monday.

Outsiders blamed for Easter Island's historic demise

(PhysOrg.com) -- An archaeologist studying a remote Pacific island, world famous for its strange stone statues, says outsiders - and not its ancestors - should be blamed for its historic demise hundreds of years ago.

UQ experts discover creatures of the deep

Scientists from the Queensland Brain Institute have used high-tech equipment to capture underwater creatures at depths not documented from before.

Fossil find fills in picture of ancient marine life

Paleontologists have discovered a rich array of exceptionally preserved fossils of marine animals that lived between 480 million and 472 million years ago, during the early part of a period known as the Ordovician. The specimens ...

Eleven-foot 'giant herring' found off Sweden

A "giant herring" measuring 3.5 metres (11.4 feet) has been discovered off Sweden's western coast -- the first such fish found in the Scandinavian country in more than 130 years, a maritime museum said Tuesday.

Fossils show earliest animal trails

(PhysOrg.com) -- Trails found in rocks dating back 565 million years are thought to be the earliest evidence of animal locomotion ever found, Oxford University scientists report.

Echinoderms contribute to global carbon sink

The impact on levels of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere by the decaying remains of a group of marine creatures that includes starfish and sea urchin has been significantly underestimated.

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