Clever fish keep cool

Ocean warming is occurring at such a rapid rate that fish are searching for cooler waters to call home.

Why a half-degree temperature rise is a big deal

The Paris Agreement, which delegates from 196 countries hammered out in December 2015, calls for holding the ongoing rise in global average temperature to "well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels," while "pursuing efforts ...

Heat sickens corals in global bleaching event

Death is only one possible outcome from coral bleaching caused by rising sea temperatures due to global warming. Australian scientists report that many surviving corals affected by mass bleaching from high sea temperatures ...

Living fossils and rare corals revealed

An investigation of previously unexplored depths of Australia's Coral Sea has revealed living fossils, rare corals and sponges, and ecosystems that have remained largely unchanged for millions of years.

Bering Sea hotspot for corals and sponges

North of the Aleutian Islands, submarine canyons in the cold waters of the eastern Bering Sea contain a highly productive "green belt" that is home to deep-water corals as well as a plethora of fish and marine mammals.

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