Radiation risk at historic WA nuclear test site 70 years on

More than half a century since Britain conducted the first nuclear tests in Australia, at the Montebello Islands in WA's north, marine scientists have discovered there remains a radiation risk to marine life and tourists.

UN meet sees blitz of pledges to protect ailing oceans

A major UN conference on how to restore the faltering health of global oceans kicked off in Lisbon this week with a flurry of promises to expand marine protected areas, ban deep-sea mining, and combat illegal fishing.

Panel: Problems with oceans multiplying, worsening

(AP) -- The health of the world's oceans is declining much faster than originally thought - under siege from pollution, overfishing and other man-made problems all at once - scientists say in a new report.

Shedding light on ice sheet collapse through Great Barrier Reef

An international team of scientists jointly led by Dr. Jody Webster, of the University of Sydney, and Dr Yusuke Yokoyama, of the University of Tokyo, is analyzing sediment cores drilled by the research ship, the Greatship ...

Cutting fishing could buy time for coral reefs

Stopping people fishing around Caribbean coral reefs by designating them legally protected marine reserves could help some of them survive the effects of a changing climate by more than 50 years.

Humans 'damaging the oceans': research

Mounting evidence that human activity is changing the world's oceans in profound and damaging ways is outlined in a new scientific discussion paper released today.

Coral 'network' can protect Asia-Pac fish stocks

An international scientific team has shown that strong links between the corals reefs of the south China sea, West Pacific and Coral Triangle hold the key to preserving fish and marine resources in the Asia-Pacific region.

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