Oil slick hits N.Z. coast as storm threatens ship

Oil from a stranded container ship began washing up on the shore of New Zealand's Bay of Plenty Monday, as salvage crews battened down the crippled vessel in the face of a looming storm.

Denmark moves forward on North Pole claim

Denmark on Monday presented its "Arctic Strategy" for the next decade, confirming that it intends to lay claim to the North Pole sea bed by 2014 at the latest.

Soft coral builds strong reefs

Scientists have long believed soft corals, one of the many endangered elements of marine life, are only minor contributors to the structure of coral reefs. But that's not true, says new research from Tel Aviv University -- ...

China urges US oil giant to hasten clean-up

China has called on the US energy giant behind a massive oil spill to speed up its clear-up efforts and issue a public apology after it missed a deadline to clean the sea bed, state media said Thursday.

Wind farm in North Sea has positive net impact on fauna

A North-Sea wind farm has hardly any negative effects on fauna. At most, a few bird species will avoid such a wind farm. It turns out that a wind farm also provides a new natural habitat for organisms living on the sea bed ...

First dinosaur fossil discovered in Angola

Scientists say they have discovered the first fossil of a dinosaur in Angola, and that it's a new creature, heralding a research renaissance in a country slowly emerging from decades of war.

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