Sand tiger sharks return to shipwrecks off N.C. coast

Photos taken months, and in some cases years, apart by scuba divers show female sand tiger sharks returning to the same shipwrecks off the North Carolina coast, a new study co-led by scientists at Duke University reveals.

Flash photography doesn't harm seahorses – but don't touch

We all enjoy watching animals, whether they're our own pets, birds in the garden, or elephants on a safari during our holidays. People take pictures during many of these wildlife encounters, but not all of these photographic ...

Coral gardening beckons ecotourists to restore reefs

Coral reefs are fragile and in danger worldwide, but a growing movement to restore them is based on the science of breaking off pieces in order to grow more, known as coral gardening.

Hydraulic chamber tests fish survival

Australia's native fish could stand a better chance of survival when passing through hydropower turbines in major waterways thanks to an innovative mechanical chamber developed at UNSW, which is nominated for a top engineering ...

Study reveals most biologically rich island in Southern Ocean

The first comprehensive study of sea creatures around the sub-Antarctic island of South Georgia reveals a region that is richer in biodiversity than even many tropical sites, such as the Galapagos Islands. The study provides ...

NASA astronauts test new exercises on space walk

Two astronauts floated out of the International Space Station on Wednesday after trying out new exercises aimed at preventing decompression sickness while conserving oxygen, NASA said.

Hawaii researchers explore previously unseen coral

(AP) -- Scientists over the past month explored coral reefs in the remote Northwestern Hawaiian Islands that until recently were considered too deep for scuba divers to reach.

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