Scorpions take sting out of pain

( —Australia is home to many venomous creatures and boasts some of the world's most deadly, but a particular group of venomous Aussies had been almost entirely ignored.

Scorpion venom -- bad for bugs, good for pesticides

Fables have long cast scorpions as bad-natured killers of hapless turtles that naively agree to ferry them across rivers. Michigan State University scientists, however, see them in a different light.

Brazil fire burns huge collection of dead snakes

(AP) -- A fire in Brazil destroyed what may be the world's largest scientific collection of dead snakes, spiders and scorpions that served as the main source for research on many species, scientists said Sunday.

A deadly scorpion provides a safe pesticide

Scorpions deliver a powerful, paralyzing venom ― a complex cocktail of poisonous peptides that immobilize animal prey on the spot. Some of the toxins in this cocktail damage only insects, which is why a Tel Aviv University ...

Creepy crawly cargo caught in Australia

Australian customs officers got more than they bargained for when two shoe boxes arrived from Europe with venomous snakes, exotic spiders and scorpions found slithering inside the "creep crawly cargo".

Scientist create a database for scorpion venom

Employees at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IBCh RAS) have created Kalium, a database for peptide toxins from scorpion venom. It enables scientists to systematize information on ...

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