Storytime marketing to millennials

Storytelling is an ancient human trait. We were perhaps making manifest our imaginings even before we had the spoken word. In the modern world, stories are as important to us as they ever were and are crucial to many human ...

There's still a way to reach global goal on climate change

If nations do all that they've promised to fight climate change, the world can still meet one of two internationally agreed upon goals for limiting warming. But the planet is blowing past the other threshold that scientists ...

Addressing the ocean deoxygenation crisis

While landlubbing house hunters sure don't have it easy these days, there's another community—one that dwarfs the human population in size—that is also suffering the woes of shrinking real estate: animals that live in ...

Researchers shed light on role of kinetics in fluid transport

Remco Hartkamp, Max Döpke and Fenna Westerbaan van der Meij, researchers at the Delft University of Technology department Process & Energy, are shedding new light on the role of surface reaction rates of liquid in electrokinetic ...

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