Study: Learning Science Facts Doesn't Boost Science Reasoning

( -- A study of college freshmen in the United States and in China found that Chinese students know more science facts than their American counterparts -- but both groups are nearly identical when it comes to ...

Vast iceberg breaks off near UK Antarctic base

Satellite imagery confirms an enormous iceberg, around five times the size of Malta, has finally calved from Antarctica's Brunt Ice Shelf. The new berg, estimated to be around 1550 sq km and around 150 m thick, calved when ...

Racing game proves effective in teaching scientific reasoning

An online game that has students race through a course and learn about scientific argumentation during pit stops has proven effective at a crucial time in American education. Researchers and developers at the University of ...

How students develop scientific reasoning

Whether or not former students can apply scientific reasoning to formulate hypotheses and solve problems effectively at work depends in part on what subjects they have studied, says LMU educational psychologist Frank Fischer.

Measuring the value of science

Reports about the worthy contributions of science to national economies pop up regularly all around the world – from the UK to the US and even the developing world.