Two new records: The world's strongest and purest neutron beam

The world's strongest neutron beam is produced by a scientific instrument at the research neutron source FRM II (Forschungs-Neutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz) at the Technischen Universitaet Muenchen (TUM). But that is ...

Rosetta to sleep through loneliest leg of comet mission

On 8 June, mission controllers will have the first opportunity to switch ESA's Rosetta comet-hunter into deep-space hibernation for 31 months. During this loneliest leg of its decade-long mission, Rosetta will loop ever closer ...

AMS is ready to discover the particle universe

( -- The largest and most complex scientific instrument yet to be fitted to the International Space Station was installed today. Taken into space by the Space Shuttle, the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer will sift ...

NASA's new ion engine ready for missions in space

( -- A small robotic surveyor arrives to explore a near-Earth asteroid. Another robotic spacecraft is returning to Earth with a pristine comet surface sample. Meanwhile, a robotic explorer is approaching Uranus, ...

A decade of studying the Earth's magnetic shield, in 3-D

Today (September 1), space scientists around the world are celebrating ten years of ground-breaking discoveries by 'Cluster', a mission that is illuminating the mysteries of the magnetosphere, the northern lights and the ...

Japan astronaut solves bubble puzzle

Of all the experiments Japanese astronaut Naoko Yamazaki has carried out in space -- making sushi in a kimono and playing a harp -- blowing soap bubbles has arguably brought the biggest breakthrough.

First Test of New X-ray Laser Strips Neon Bare

( -- It takes a lot of energy to strip all ten electrons from an atom of neon. Doing it from the inside out, knocking away the most-closely-held, innermost electrons first, is an even rarer feat. But the brilliant ...

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