The women scientists forgotten by history

French doctor and researcher Marthe Gautier, who died over the weekend, was one of a long line of women scientists who greatly contributed to scientific discovery only to see the credit go to their male colleagues.

There are deposits of ice at Mercury's poles, too

Although the Arecibo radio telescope is no more, it continues to deliver scientific discoveries. There is a wealth of Arecibo data astronomers continue to mine for new discoveries, and one of them is thanks to an astronomical ...

Advocating an African science at the end of the century

Historians note a shift from Eurocentric conceptualizations of science during the late nineteenth century. Spurred by a burgeoning print culture and widespread dissemination of news regarding scientific discoveries, "science" ...

Quantum battles in attoscience: Following three debates

In July 2020, 300 researchers from 34 different countries attended the CECAM virtual workshop, 'Quantum Battles in Attoscience'. EPJ D presents three community papers which emerged from the in-depth panel discussions held ...

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