Getting the climate change story straight

With the recent publication of the 2014 IPCC report on climate change, the 2014 US National Climate Assessment, and the upcoming Paris 2015 UN Climate Conference, it's no surprise that the scientific consensus on human-caused ...

Activists misuse open records requests to harass researchers

This winter, Kevin Folta, a plant molecular biologist with the University of Florida's (UF) Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), became the target of a sweeping public records request from US Right to Know, ...

Communicating the consensus on climate change

Consider a medical analogy… If you saw 100 doctors about a mole that had appeared on your chest, and only three of them told you that it was benign, the chances are that you would probably do something about it, no matter ...

Reducing agriculture's greenhouse gas emissions

The overwhelming scientific consensus is that gases produced by human activity are affecting the global climate. But even if you don't believe the current warming of the global climate is caused by humans, it's only common ...

Adjusting to climate change

New findings suggest battling climate change could be a challenge, urge the global community to transform its energy system or face grim consequences.

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