Future climate impacts put humpback whale diet at risk

A new study led by Griffith University predicts that future climate change impacts could disrupt the krill-heavy diet that humpback whales in the southern hemisphere consume. The study, "No distinct local cuisines among humpback ...

60 years of Antarctic ice sheet data released

In a significant milestone for Antarctic research, detailed and extensive information on ice thickness and bed topography is now available for the first time in a centralized and standardized format.

New map unlocks deep digital data of Antarctica's history

GeoMAP Antarctica, an open-access and comprehensive geological mapping database of Antarctica, was released May 18 in the journal Scientific Data. Understanding Antarctica's geosphere is, and has been, critical for understanding ...

Report highlights impact of changes in Antarctica

A new report published Tuesday 24 May sends a strong message to countries responsible for Antarctic governance meeting this week in Berlin, that there's a need for urgent action on minimizing climate change impacts in Antarctica ...

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