Q&A: The new landscape of corporate climate disclosure

Is corporate sustainability an oxymoron? California Gov. Gavin Newsom's recent signing of a law that requires large companies to disclose their greenhouse gas emissions has refocused attention on the role of business in combatting ...

Potential spoilage microbe found in microfiltered milk

A new filtration process that aims to extend milk's shelf life can result in a pasteurization-resistant microbacterium passing into fluid milk if equipment isn't properly cleaned early, Cornell food scientists have found.

Engineers test printed electronics in space

Today's small spacecraft pack sensors, guidance and control, and operating electronics into every available space. Printing electronic circuits on the walls and structures of spacecraft could help future missions do more ...

Scientists explore the elasticity of colloidal suspensions

Experiments reveal that under the right conditions, the elasticity of colloidal suspensions will peak at a certain value, which depends both on the deformation applied to the material and the strength of attraction between ...

Greenland has greener history than previously thought

New analysis of samples collected from underneath Greenland's ice sheet reveal the Arctic island was much greener as recently as 416,000 years ago. The findings overturn previous views that Greenland's continental glacier, ...

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