How values affect our attitudes to genetically modified food

As Rod Lamberts reminded us here recently, when it comes to debates on genetically modified (GM) foods, arguing about the validity of the science is about as effective as descending to name calling. That's because of the ...

Promoting environmental justice worldwide

The increasing social metabolism of the world economy and the global competition for resources is placing ever-greater pressure on the environment and on vulnerable communities. This trend is set to continue, increasing the ...

Methane out, carbon dioxide in?

A University of Virginia engineering professor has proposed a novel approach for keeping waste carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere.

Dust storms in Africa affect US and the Caribbean's air quality

You might find it hard to believe that dust clouds from the African Sahara can travel thousands of miles across the Atlantic Ocean, but it does every year and in large quantities. In a recent study, Joseph Prospero, professor ...

Concrete which can heal its own cracks

Cardiff University researcher Dr Diane Gardner has won the 'You Heard It Here First' event at the British Science Festival for her work on self-healing concrete. The award considers the UK's brightest early career researchers ...

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