Two takes on lithium-ion batteries

Lithium-ion batteries have transformed our lives. Without them, we wouldn't have laptop computers or cell phones—at least, not the long-lived, lightweight kindwe're used to—and in the near future they may become more ...

Solar Village to house microgrid project

Four solar homes built by students at Missouri University of Science and Technology will soon become home to an experimental microgrid to manage and store renewable energy. The houses, all past entries into the Solar Decathlon ...

Team develops advanced video and image processing

Rapid developments in satellite and sensor technologies have increased the availability of high-resolution, remotely sensed images faster than researchers can process and analyze the data manually.

When energy-saving becomes a game

( —A smartphone application bringing gaming dimensions to energy awareness has helped householders in Finland, Sweden and Italy reduce their electricity consumption by up to 19%.

Microalgae could be a profitable source of biodiesel

Researchers at the UAB's Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA-UAB) and the Institute of Marine Sciences (ICM-CSIC), have analysed the potential of different species of microalgae for producing biodiesel, ...

Is technology really too fast for society?

We often hear that technology is advancing so fast that society cannot keep up. But in reality, social change is intimately linked to technology changes, and that expectations of what technology can bring changes in intensity.

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