2 scientists win Nobel chemistry prize for gene-editing tool

The Nobel Prize in chemistry went to two researchers Wednesday for a gene-editing tool that has revolutionized science by providing a way to alter DNA, the code of life—technology already being used to try to cure a host ...

Applying artificial intelligence to science education

A new review published in the Journal of Research in Science Teaching highlights the potential of machine learning—a subset of artificial intelligence—in science education. Although the authors initiated their review ...

CERN meets quantum technology

Today's information and communication technology grew out of the invention and development of quantum mechanics during the last century. But, nifty as it is that billions of transistors can be packed into your smartphone ...

Researchers work to create a roadmap on quantum materials

The term 'quantum materials' was introduced to highlight the exotic properties of unconventional superconductors, heavy-fermion systems (materials with unusual electronic and magnetic properties) and multifunctional oxides. ...

Streamlining quantum information transmission

The quantum realm holds the key to the next revolution in communication technology as we know it. With the promise of unprecedented performance and impenetrable security, quantum technology is taking its first steps towards ...

Could manufacturing aid Australia's economic recovery?

Following a federal government call for the reignition of domestic industrial activity, University of Sydney experts comment on the role of advanced manufacturing and boosting the digital workforce in Australia's post-coronavirus ...

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