Scientists find world's oldest European hedgehog

The world's oldest scientifically-confirmed European hedgehog has been found in Denmark by a citizen science project involving hundreds of volunteers. The hedgehog lived for 16 years, 7 years longer than the previous record ...

Wildlife recording is good for people, as well as for science

Science is not the only beneficiary of nature-based "citizen science" projects—taking part also boosts the well-being of participants and their connection to nature, according to research published today (February 9) in ...

Citizen science: From the cosmos to the classroom

Citizen science projects offer the general public, or segments of that public such as school students, an opportunity to take part in scientific research. The Extreme Energy Events (EEE) Project in Italy is a cooperation ...

Doomsday Clock to be updated on January 24

Tick, tick, tick. An update is coming to the "Doomsday Clock," representing the judgment of leading science and security experts about the perils to human existence.

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