Secrets of Soviet space race come to London

The space technology that saw the Soviet Union propel the first dog, man and woman into orbit has gone on show in London—most of it being exhibited outside Russia for the first time.

UK museum revives first-ever film shot in color

(AP)—The earliest movies known to be shot in color have been revived by film archivists, who on Wednesday gave an audience at London's Science Museum a glimpse at cinema's first attempts to show us the world as we see it.

Exhibition charts 500 years of evolution of robots

Inspired by his belief that human beings are essentially terrified of robots, Ben Russell set about charting the evolution of automatons for an exhibition he hopes will force people to think about how androids and other robotic ...

A case of mistaken dino-identity

The official State Dinosaur of Texas is up for a new name, based on Southern Methodist University research that proved the titleholder has been misidentified.

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