'Fool's gold' may be valuable after all

In a breakthrough new study, scientists and engineers at the University of Minnesota have electrically transformed the abundant and low-cost non-magnetic material iron sulfide, also known as "fool's gold" or pyrite, into ...

Seafood products made from cells should be labeled cell-based

Companies seeking to commercialize seafood products made from the cells of fish or shellfish should use the term "cell-based" on product labels, according to a Rutgers study—the first of its kind—in the Journal of Food ...

Science needs to look inward to move forward

About a year after she was appointed to a senior editorial role at an academic journal, psychology researcher Professor Simine Vazire was admonished for upsetting eminent researchers by "desk rejecting" their papers.

Modeling gas diffusion in aggregated soils

Agricultural soils contribute to 16% of total Greenhouse gas emissions, particularly nitrous oxide (N2O). Migration of gases in agricultural subsurface and emission across the soil-atmosphere interface is primarily diffusion-controlled ...

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