How do you jumpstart a dead star?

It's a staple of science fiction, restarting our dying star with some kind of atomic superbomb. Why is our sun running out of fuel, and what can we actually do to get it restarted?

Robots designed to clean up our streets

It sounds like something from a science fiction film, but the concept of robots cleaning our streets is becoming a reality with what is believed to be a world first.

3Q: Will 3-D printing spark a new wave of innovation?

It may sound like science fiction, but it's anything but. Today, engineers and entrepreneurs can design a product on a computer and, with the help of increasingly accessible 3-D printers, have a prototype in their hands within ...

Google: Technology is making science fiction real

(AP) -- Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt predicted Tuesday that rapid advances in technology will soon transform science fiction into reality - meaning people will have driverless cars, small robots at their command ...

Visions of a 'car-free future'

City centers could become virtually car-free over the next 20 years under new plans proposed by University of Leeds transport researchers.

Robots may dominate rugby by 2050

Elite athletes with bionic implants, built-in chips to monitor their performance and shirts embedded with nanotechnology medicines to heal minor injuries could be taking the field for the 2051 Rugby World Cup.

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