Donald Trump's Space Force plans analysed by a sci-fi expert

The US leadership has plans to introduce a "US Space Force" by 2020. Already announced by president Donald Trump in June, US vice president Mike Pence outlined further details of the plan at a press conference on August 9. ...

System identifies music selections via brain scanning

It may sound like science fiction, but mind-reading equipment is much closer to reality than most people realize. A new study carried out at D'Or Institute for Research and Education used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) ...

Why don't electric cars look like the future?

Electric cars were supposed to be the future – or at least look like it. So now they're here, why do they still look like ordinary petrol and diesel cars and not dazzling props from a science fiction film.

Technologically enhanced humans—a look behind the myth

What exactly do we mean by an "enhanced" human? When this possibility is brought up, what is generally being referred to is the addition of human and machine-based performances (expanding on the figure of the cyborg popularised ...

Should we fear the rise of drone assassins? Two experts debate

A new short film from the Campaign Against Killer Robots warns of a future where weaponised flying drones target and assassinate certain members of the public, using facial recognition technology to identify them. Is this ...

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