Dangerous bacteria is showing up in school water systems

As schools cautiously reopen for the fall semester, several have discovered potentially harmful bacteria in their water systems. Parents are likely concerned about what this means for their children, and other districts may ...

Understanding our interconnected world and COVID-19

In his pathbreaking 1971 book, Barry Commoner outlined his enduring and succinct four laws of ecology: (1) Everything is connected to everything else; (2) Everything must go somewhere; (3) Nature knows best, and (4) There ...

Green schools and students' science scores are related

A nationwide survey shows a positive correlation between Green School practices and student achievement in science. The study was conducted by the University of Colorado Denver's Department of Geography and Environmental ...

School energy audits find millions in potential energy savings

A two-year energy audit of Hamilton schools has identified energy conservation measures that could reduce their energy costs by almost $2.4 million annually. The audit was conducted by engineering faculty and students at ...

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