Smog-ridden New Delhi extends schools shutdown

Authorities in India's smog-ridden capital New Delhi on Sunday extended an emergency schools closure by a week, with no signs of improvement in the megacity's choking levels of pollution.

China's smoggiest city closes schools amid public anger

China's smoggiest city closed schools Wednesday as much of the country suffered its sixth day under an oppressive haze, sparking public anger about the slow response to the threat to children's health.

Tehran schools ordered shut over air pollution

Air pollution has forced Iranian authorities to close elementary schools and kindergartens in Tehran province for three days from Sunday, the state broadcaster said.

It's not the time spent in school, it's how it's used

In the past decade or more, the national debate about effective learning has centered on teacher quality. Now the discussion is turning to a second major resource in education: Time.

School absences correlate to impaired air quality

In Salt Lake City schools, absences rise when the air quality worsens, and it's not just in times of high pollution or 'red' air quality days—even days following lower levels of pollutions saw increased absences.

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