Early human landscape modifications discovered in Amazonia

In 2002 Professor Alceu Ranzi (Federal University of Acre) and Prof. Martti Parssinen (University of Helsinki) decided to form an international research team to study large geometric earthworks, called geoglyphs, in the Brazilian ...

Paul Ginsparg reflects on arXiv 20th anniversary

Two decades ago, Paul Ginsparg, Cornell professor of physics, launched an electronic database to let fellow physicists share unpublished academic manuscripts without photocopying and paper mail. Fast forward through the start ...

Review of arsenic speciation in mushrooms from China

Arsenic (As) is a natural environmental contaminant to which humans are usually exposed in water, air, soil, and food. China is a typical high-As region, and also a great contributor of the world production of cultivated ...

Want the shortest path to the good life? Try cynicism

(Phys.org)—Research by a University of Cincinnati classics professor sheds new light on the philosophy of the ancient Cynics. They actually held values they viewed as a shortcut to happiness.

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