Lemurs can smell weakness in each other

Some people watch the competition carefully for the slightest signs of weakness. Lemurs, on the other hand, just give them a sniff.

Making fragrances last longer

From floral perfume to fruity body wash and shampoos, scents heavily influence consumer purchases. But for most, the smell doesn't last long after showering before it fades away. Scientists have now developed a way to get ...

Even wild mammals have regional dialects

Researchers from Cardiff University's Otter Project have discovered that genetically distinct populations of wild otters from across the UK have their own regional odours for communicating vital information to each other. ...

Bees' ability to forage decreases as air pollution increases

Air pollutants interact with and break down plant-emitted scent molecules, which insect pollinators use to locate needed food, according to a team of researchers led by Penn State. The pollution-modified plant odors can ...

Orchid's scent stronger in Swiss lowlands than mountains

Pollinators select orchids with stronger scents in the Swiss lowlands, than in the mountains, according to a study published Feb. 17, 2016 in the open-access journal PLOS ONE by Karin Gross at the University of Zurich, Switzerland ...

Researchers discover how petunias know when to smell good

Good timing is a matter of skill. You would certainly dress up for an afternoon business meeting, but not an evening session of binge-watching Netflix. If you were just a few hours off in your wardrobe timing, your spouse ...

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