Malaria parasite manipulates host's scent

Malaria parasites alter the chemical odor signal of their hosts to attract mosquitos and better spread their offspring, according to researchers, who believe this scent change could be used as a diagnostic tool.

The oPhone: Odor now available on the Web

Who hasn't been transported back to childhood by the sweet aroma of baking cookies, or to a favorite forest by the earthy smell of leaf litter, or to a summer beach by the tang of salt air?

Lemurs match scent of a friend to sound of her voice

Humans aren't alone in their ability to match a voice to a face—animals such as dogs, horses, crows and monkeys are able to recognize familiar individuals this way too, a growing body of research shows.

Using different scents to attract or repel insects

Flowering plants attract pollinating insects with scent from their flowers and bright colours. If they have become infested with herbivores like caterpillars, they attract beneficial insects like parasitic wasps with the ...

Scents that are sent: oPhone delivers aromas

Say you forgot about Valentine's Day, and it's too late to send that certain someone some roses. Someday, you'll at least be able to send their scent.

Lemur lovers sync their scents

The strength of a lemur couple's bond is reflected by the similarity of their scents, finds a new study.

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