Simple detection of magnetic skyrmions

At present, tiny magnetic whirls – so called skyrmions – are discussed as promising candidates for bits in future robust and compact data storage devices. At the University of Hamburg these exotic magnetic structures ...

Trapping vortices key to high-current superconductors

If we are to see the promised benefits of high-temperature superconductors, such as low-loss motors and generators or maglev trains, we will need superconductors that can carry very large currents.

Scientists develop force sensor from carbon nanotubes

A group of researchers from Russia, Belarus and Spain, including Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology professor Yury Lozovik, have developed a microscopic force sensor based on carbon nanotubes. The device is described ...

Researchers switch magnetism of individual molecules

Using individual molecules instead of electronic or magnetic memory cells would revolutionise data storage technology, as molecular memories could be thousand-fold smaller. Scientists of Kiel University took a big step towards ...

A baby crystal is born

Lead sulfide (PbS) forms when an equal number of lead and sulfur atoms exchange electrons and bond together in cubic crystals. Now scientists have determined that a structure comprising 32 lead-sulfur pairs is the smallest ...

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