Creating 3D models with a simple webcam (w/ Video)

( -- Constructing virtual 3D models usually requires heavy and expensive equipment, or takes lengthy amounts of time. A group of researchers at the University of Cambridge, Qi Pan, Dr Gerhard Reitmayr and Dr Tom ...

Two Retinal Imaging Display Devices at Prototype Stage

( -- NEC and Brother are both developing wearable prototype devices that use Retinal Imaging Display (RID) technology to project images directly on the wearer's retina. NEC's gadget is designed to interpret foreign ...

Magnetic Resonance Now Also Comes In Tiny Quantities

( -- It is now possible to analyse very small samples using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. Thanks to a specially constructed detector, a 'stripline', greater sensitivity can be achieved while maintaining the same ...

NASA's TRMM satellite sees heavy rainfall in Choi-Wan

NASA and the Japanese Space Agency's Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellite flew over the center of Super Typhoon Choi-Wan at 2:34 EDT on September 17, 2009 and captured heavy rainfall around the storm's center.

Superscanner sees into the unknown

( -- Researchers at The University of Nottingham have a new weapon in their arsenal of tools to push back the boundaries of science, engineering, veterinary medicine and archaeology.

Self-learning security system for computer networks

Cyber attacks on computer networks are becoming increasingly commonplace. To counter the threat, they are protected by so-called network intrusion detection systems. But these fail to identify some attacks, or do not spot ...

See your photos in 3D on new website

( -- You could turn your holiday snaps or favourite figurines into three-dimensional images with new free software developed by a researcher from Queensland University of Technology and the Australasian CRC for ...

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