Iris scans may prevent mistaken release of inmates

(AP) -- A Baltimore inmate who bluffed his way out of prison probably wouldn't have tricked guards if they had eye-scanners such as those being installed at dozens of jails nationwide.

Swiss scanners to help blind in the kitchen

Blind people in Switzerland will soon have help telling their ravioli from their tinned fruit in the kitchen as a new loud-speaking device able to decipher 50,000 products was launched Monday.

Hunt for bird mummy in Conn. comes up empty

(AP) -- Researchers who examined an Egyptian mummy with the latest imaging technology found no evidence that a packet inside her was an offering to the gods of the ancient world.

Innovation doesn't always carry a big brand name

The giants of the electronics industry make the big splash at the Consumer Electronics Show, as usual, with towering displays, celebrity spokespeople (Taylor Swift sang for Sony, live and in 3-D) and invitation-only soirees.

Quantum fluctuations are key in superconductors

( -- New experiments on a recently discovered class of iron-based superconductors suggest that the ability of their electrons to conduct electricity without resistance is directly connected with the magnetic properties ...

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