Next step in facial imaging (w/ Video)

A team of University clinicians and computer scientists can, for the first time, carry out facial movement research and transform the way patients needing facial surgery are diagnosed and monitored thanks to a new state-of-the-art ...

Trapping T-rays for better security scanners

( —Medical diagnostic and security scanners with higher sensitivity could result from University of Adelaide research into detecting T-rays (terahertz waves).

Prehistoric rock art maps cosmological belief

It is likely some of the most widespread and oldest art in the United States. Pieces of rock art dot the Appalachian Mountains, and research by University of Tennessee, Knoxville, anthropology professor Jan Simek finds each ...

Tech companies eye security that goes beyond passwords

In late February, a thief or thieves cracked into Evernote's digital vault filled with log-ins, passwords and email addresses belonging to 50 million users. It was a shocking cyberattack considering the Redwood City, Calif., ...

NASA sees Tropical Storm Andrea cover half the East Coast

As Tropical Storm Andrea continued pushing up the east coast of the United States on Friday, June 7, NOAA's GOES-East satellite captured an image that showed its extensive cloud cover. By early afternoon on June 7, Andrea ...

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