What's fair?: New theory on income inequality

The increasing inequality in income and wealth in recent years, together with excessive pay packages of CEOs in the U.S. and abroad, is of growing concern, especially to policy makers. Income inequality was identified as ...

Patterns in large data show how information travels

According to Fariba Karimi, network scientist at Umeå University, analysis of massive online data can reveal what information matters to us and with whom we have most in common. For example, networks can be used to study ...

Bullies squelched when bystanders intervene: study

With new national anti-bullying ads urging parents to teach their kids to speak up if they witness bullying, one researcher has found that in humans' evolutionary past at least, helping the victim of a bully hastened our ...

India PM blames foreign NGOs for anti-nuclear demos

Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh blamed US non-profit groups in an interview published Friday for whipping up anti-nuclear demonstrations that have stalled two new atomic plants.

Probing Question: What are the origins of skiing?

Swoosh…Undeniably, this is the sound of skiing. As winter approaches, legions of avid skiers are preparing their equipment. Skis are being waxed, boots are being pulled out of storage and people are yearning to get out ...

Men who do the housework are more likely to get the girl

(PhysOrg.com) -- An Oxford study suggests that if you want to settle down, your chances of getting married or living with someone are probably highest in Great Britain, the Scandinavian countries and the United States.

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