Global strategy to save sawfish

In an era when global solutions to massive problems like climate change seem elusive, a Simon Fraser University professor is relieved to see that a partial solution exists for rescuing sawfishes from extinction.

Hi-tech test to find elusive sawfish

Researchers from James Cook University and Charles Darwin University are using the cutting-edge eDNA (environmental DNA) technique to look for the critically endangered largetooth sawfish in remote northern Australia.

Endangered sawfish no match for Aussie croc

The sharpened teeth on the saw-like snout of the critically endangered Australian sawfish is proving little defence against its deadliest underwater predators, the crocodile and shark.

Conservation call on sawfish nursery

Murdoch University researchers have identified an important nursery for a critically endangered species of sawfish and are calling for conservation efforts to be focused there.

Sawfish tagged in Cedar Key for first time in decades

In 2003, smalltooth sawfish (Pristis pectinata) had the unenviable distinction of being the first native marine fish listed under the Endangered Species Act. The classification followed decades of declining populations due ...

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