Cuts to sole parent benefits are human rights violations

Sole parents in Australia are economically vulnerable and are experiencing ongoing cuts to their social security. Legislation limiting welfare benefits that was rushed through the Senate last week will make many of them poorer ...

Why we must build low-carbon Australian cities

What would a low carbon future for Australia's major southern cities look like? How could places like Melbourne and Sydney and be transformed by 2040 to achieve an 80 percent reduction in carbon emissions and better deal ...

Crunching "sustainable" cookies

The bakery industry is a large supplier of jobs and revenue, but on the other side of the coin, it is hungry for energy.

Amazon to pay Canada fine over pricing practices

The Canadian branch of US online retailer Amazon will pay Can$1.1 million ($836,967) over allegedly misleading pricing on its website, the government said Wednesday.

A 'small data' approach to energy saving for industry

With his eyes gazing at the countryside in County Meath, a dozen miles north-west of Dublin, Vincent Murray, project technical leader at IES, is fully immersed in industrial environments. He is one of the developers of the ...

Energy report provides guidance for evolving electric power sector

Distributed energy resources—relatively small-scale power technologies such as solar, wind, energy storage, and power electronics and control devices—are being deployed rapidly in the global shift toward a low-carbon ...

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