Lightbulbs: The more efficient they get, the more light we use

This is a cautionary tale about a few porch lights. Once upon a time, porch lights had incandescent bulbs. Eventually, many residents subbed them out with those swirly compact fluorescent bulbs, which use a quarter of the ...

Fiber optics in computer screens to save energy

( -- A single fiber-optic can light up computer screens. This innovation put in place by L.E.S.S., a recently formed spin-off of EPFL, brings energy savings of 30% while boosting processors.

California to require sun-blocking car windows

New cars sold in California must include windshields that block or absorb the sun's rays beginning in 2012, the state's Air Resources Board recently ruled.

Being watched makes electricity users consume less

( —The Hawthorne effect is a concept whereby subjects modify and change their behavior in response to the fact that they know they are being studied. A team from Carnegie Mellon have applied this phenomenon to ...

Learned helplessness in flies and the roots of depression

When faced with impossible circumstances beyond their control, animals, including humans, often hunker down as they develop sleep or eating disorders, ulcers, and other physical manifestations of depression. Now, researchers ...

Developing more sustainable and recyclable polyurethane foams

A team of researchers from the Center for Education and Research on Macromolecules (CERM) at the University of Liège (Belgium) has developed an innovative process that rethinks the manufacturing of polyurethane (PU) foams ...

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